NOVEMBER 21, 2019
It is Time To Get Our Educational System Back on Track With The Rest of the World as We are Falling Behind?
According to a report in February, 2014, by the New York State Bar Association; “there is a ‘shocking level of decline’ in Americans’ understanding of the framework of our Democracy.” In fact, the report concluded that: “The magnitude and breadth of people’s lack of civic knowledge and understanding is staggering.” Wow! You Think? Duh! What do you expect since we are inadequately taught, about TRUTH and fed Bull-Shit instead?
The report warned that: “Preserving the fundamental civic mission of schools is vital to the continued success of American constitutional democracy,” And explained that: “Children who are taught the fundamentals of democracy grow up to be more active and engaged adults.” Ironically, these people that represent the report are lawyers, and they don’t even take into consideration, the fact that American children are taught lies — about why the American Revolutionary War was fought in the first place? And, why don’t American citizens realize that the Federal Reserve is robbing the U.S .taxpayers blind and destroying our Country? (read my book SURPRISE for more information)
“The colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and other matters had it not been that England took away from the colonies their money, which created unemployment and dissatisfaction. The inability of colonists to get power to issue their own money permanently out of the hands of George III and the international bankers was the prime reason for the Revolutionary War.” Ben Franklin
Perhaps it is no small wonder why far too many colleges are passing out so many worthless degrees and both the Students and Parents are hooked on the student loans? Those colleges are part of the problem as they contribute to the deliberate ‘Dumbing Down of America’
Only 57% of Millennials believe the Declaration of Independence better “guarantees freedom and equality” over Communist Manifesto.
The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America
Originally, America Was Set Up To Be A Republic…
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