A Philosophical Inquiry!
An Exploration of Reality — Life and Death?
Is Truth, An Enigma; Beyond Comprehension?
What’s It All About? ( Imagine?)
Is Consciousness, Mere Energy In Action?
“I Think, Therefore I Am” (Cogito, ergo sum -René Descartes)
But Whom, the hell; Am I?
Where Am I?
And Why Am I Here?
“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” — Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.
Whatever, We Believe; We Can Achieve…
Beliefs and Choices…
Morals, Ethics, Values?
Care, Concern. Consideration,
Conscientious Objection
Scientifically Speaking:
“Perpetual motion is the motion of bodies that continues forever in an unperturbed system.”
Perpetual Emotion is defined “as A perpetual feeling, state, or quality is one that never ends or changes.”
“Kinetic comes from the Greek word kinētikos, meaning “of motion,” which in turn traces to the verb kinein, meaning “to move.nergy”
When Theorized In This Perspective:
Love Makes The World Go Round!
And, LOVE Is The Perpetual Kinetic E-Motion That Sustains All…
It Is Our Mission To Bring Peace ON Earth!
Become One With God

B4HEART — Humanity Envisioned And Realized Together! Make America Great Again!
MAGA, Vote Trump in 2024…
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This Includes My Book Entitled Taboo, Which will Help You Tame Your EGO!
Also, I will be making T-shirts for Trump 2024, If he Runs! They will Look like This: old one :

Don’t Forget to Read my Third Book — Taboo, Logical Deception, which Reveals How Jesus Tamed My Ego!