Paperback – August 15, 2015
Editorial Reviews
Here is Farrell at his best, uncovering the gargantuan financial fraud and hidden technology of the breakaway civilization.
About the Author
Joseph Farrell is an Oxford educated historian who specializes in alternative history, World War II and secret technologies. Raised in Kansas, he has had a wide range of jobs and is currently a full-time author and researcher. His many books include: The Giza Death Star Trilogy; Reich of the Black Sun; The SS Brotherhood of the Bell; Nazi International; Secrets of the Unified Field; Roswell and Reich; The Cosmic War; Grid of the Gods; Saucers, Swastikas and Psyops; Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations; Thrice Great Hermetica and the Janus Age; Transhumanism and others.
Editorial Reviews
Here is Farrell at his best, uncovering the gargantuan financial fraud and hidden technology of the breakaway civilization.
About the Author
Joseph Farrell is an Oxford educated historian who specializes in alternative history, World War II and secret technologies. Raised in Kansas, he has had a wide range of jobs and is currently a full-time author and researcher. His many books include: The Giza Death Star Trilogy; Reich of the Black Sun; The SS Brotherhood of the Bell; Nazi International; Secrets of the Unified Field; Roswell and Reich; The Cosmic War; Grid of the Gods; Saucers, Swastikas and Psyops; Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations; Thrice Great Hermetica and the Janus Age; Transhumanism and others.
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Most Helpful Customer Reviews
9 of 9 people found the following review helpful
By ZyPhReX on August 10, 2015
Format: Paperback
Quick Disclosure:This book was not purchased from Amazon, but WAS purchased directly from Adventures Unlimited Press during mid July. That is why it won’t show a verified purchase.————————————————As a preamble, have had the pleasure myself of reading 20 of Dr. Farrell’s books in the past, and they have all been as thought-provoking as they have been deep in scope. Not only do his books dovetail with each other rather smoothly, but they each bring a different [yet much needed!] flavor to alternative research, and his work is starting to get recognized by independent researchers and individuals that are searching for answers to questions in our paradigm/s that the mainstream culture [and even alternative media as well] is not covering, and sometimes downright suppressing.
Mr. Farrell’s new magnum opus , ‘The Third Way – The Nazi International, European Union And Corporate Fascism’, picks up where his previous work, ‘The Nazi International’ left off. In usual Farrell fashion, he interweaves a variety of different facts, documentation and theories to solidify the fact that Nazism 2.0 [modern day Nazis] are not an outgrowth of the preview generation, but a continuance of the Post-WW2 Nazi ideology that plagued humanity decades ago.
As a particular document that Mr. Farrell cites says, “For us” – The Nazi International “The war never stopped.” When taken in conjunction with the fact that no representatives from the Nazi party ever formally surrendered, you can catch a glimpse at the innerworkings of the mentality being showcased that would drive Nazism 2.0 to the 21st Century.
This particular books is extremely vital in understanding the current breath and latitude of some of the wider/dire issues that are affecting society today – mainly fascism/corporatism/Nazism – and how those have spawned the seeds of what is now the European Union, with Germany at the tip of the spear so to speak.
Trenchantly, Mr. Farrell covers how the Nazis were able to extend their sphere of influence throughout different countries/agencies/etc and how that not only lead to technological/currency cartels, with I.G. Farben’s ghost at the forefront and the BIS coupled along, but also to the creation of the cosmology cartel known as CERN.
Would love to expound more on the aforementioned subjects, but that would be doing a disservice to Dr. Farrell’s work.
If you have read any of his previous work, you will greatly enjoy this piece immensely. And if you haven’t, it’s not a bad place to start as this particular book, more so than any other, is vital to comprehending certain aspects of issues that are everpresent in our society today, and will continue to plague us until something is done about it.
Really hope that helps anyone on the fence that is pondering getting this book.
P.S. One great place to hear some of Dr. Farrell’s work is on youtube.
Some of his best work can be seen in the links below:
Joseph P. Farrell At The Secret Space Program Conference, 2014 San Mateo [Presentation 1]
Dark Journalist & Joseph Farrell – Roots Of The Breakaway Civilization [NASA, Nazi International, JFK]
Dark Journalist – Dr. Joseph Farrell – Breakaway 2.0 – ET Wars, Black Budget & The Nazi Super State
Also, all of his work with the late GeorgeAnn Hughes on TheByteShow is quite noteworthy as well:
There are many other interviews with Mr. Farrell out there; the ones above are just cited as some that will dovetail well with his new book.
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