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The Thanksgiving Story (PU — — Shameless , Just Like our U.S. Government is Run?)The Thanksgiving Story (PU — — Shameless , Just Like our U.S. Government is Run?)

The Thanksgiving Story (PU — — Shameless , Just Like our U.S. Government is Run?)

It’s Thanksgiving Day, and Papa Tony is carving the turkey. His whole family is sitting at the dining-room table watching him. Suddenly, Papa Tony lets out a loud, smelly-old-fart. Some laughter breaks out. “ You a Pig You! “ Papa Tony says, shaking his finger at Grand-ma.
“ You gotta No Shame? “
Grand-ma puts her head down with instant tears in her eyes; hiding her face. Uncle Joe laughs and shouts, “ lets all have a Toast to Grand-Ma! “ They all drink their wine and dinner goes on as if nothing had happened.

© Copyright 2002 B4HEART (b4heart at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.

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This Includes My Book Entitled Taboo, Which will Help You Tame Your EGO!

Don’t Forget to Read my third Taboo, Logical Deception, which Reveals How Jesus Tamed My Ego!