Mother Earth, A Problematic World?
A Dramatic Dilemma of, What-If’s?
“TRUTH is akin to COOL as both are REPULSIVE to the UN. But, when Ignorance is — Ignored; Stupidity is — Justified!-” Robert James Karpie
Destiny Awaits Our Command! It’s a Sense of Right or Wrong. A Matter of Good Verses Evil. Go Figure!
Beware, Time Waits for Nobody!
Are We, at The Crossroads?

“This world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those that feel.” Horace Walpole
A Virtual Battlefield, In The Realm of Sub-Conscious Mind of Possibilities:
Here are some If Factors?
COMEDY or TRAGEDY? ( Does God Have a Sick Sense of Humor? )
World War III, Chaos, Anarchy, World Wide Flooding, Tornadoes, Earth Quakes, Tsunamis, Droughts, Famine, Starvation — -The End of World as We know It?
Karma? Universal Laws? STD’s, We All Have Shit To Do! Choose Wisely!
Everybody worries about their own rights and ignore consequences for their Actions. But, we are obligated, to God’s Laws, In the Name of Humanity. Soon, we must choose Between: Greedy Profit, at The Expense of Survival? And, Peace and Harmony, in the Name of Humanity?
What is It All About?
God, Spirituality, Religious Fanatics, Cults, Occult, Sex, Drugs and Rock n Roll, Porn Palaces, Geeks and Freaks? Dream On? It sounds like some Cross Between Alice’s, Wonderland and Disney’s, Magic Kingdom? Fantasy Island? Perhaps, It is Now Wonder Why, Jeffrey Epstein’s islands in the Caribbean, was notoriously referred to as “pedophile island.”
Elegance, Flare, Flamboyant, Chique, Vogue? What A Circus World of Weirdo’s. Riches, Fame and Fortune? What A Waste? Outrageous Show Off’s. Unbalanced Egos, Perverts, & Foolish Pride, are Provocative! They are Walking Time Bombs? Beware of Communism, Socialism and the New World Order?
Time To Make Some Modifications:
Priorities, Motivation, Status and Stuff? Accountability! Nobody is Above The Law! Especially Not Politicians, Judges or Lawyers. Politics is Not a Game! Laws are Vital. We Depend on Congress, Senate and House, to Do It’s Job of Checks and Balances. Elections, are the Back-bone of America! Local, State and Federal Policies are legal Agendas. Treaties, and Our Borders must be Protected and Respected. They are vital to our Survival.
Greed and Corruption, Poverty, Homelessness, Mental Disorders, are Not Conspiracy Theories. They need to be addressed as well as Sex, Drugs and Human Trafficking? Abortions and Especially- Infanticide are Unconscionable! Thou Shalt Not Kill… ‘Tyrants and Traitors Need to Be Executed’.
Senior Citizens Deserve our Respect and Attention. We Must Provide Care and Concern for our Elders. Not Shove Them Off — - into, Some Old-folks Home? Euthanasia is a Hot Topic / Issue, that is spreading world wide? Health Care is Expensive! But, How much is a ‘Human Life’, Worth? Life is Priceless; Babies and Old Folks are Precious! Think!
Intent is Vital! Viruses and Vaccinations? Greed and Corruption? Credit, Debits, the Environmental Movement, Supply and Demand? Climate Control? Fake News? The World Wide Web. Discrimination, Bigotry, and Prejudice. Morals, Educational and Ethical Values, Morale and American Pride! MAGA! Amen…
The CIA, FBI, and The Fourth Estate, as well as The US Constitution and The Bill of Rights, affect All of We the People. They were Established for a Reason. The Haves and The Have Nots, Deserve a Equal Chance. Equal Rights, Life, Liberty, Prosperity and Justice for All.
Critical Reactions mount, as the Probabilities are Endless? But Not Hopeless! A Sense of Panic and Frustration, is but, A Wake Up Call! Don’t Take God for Granted! Do Not Piss Off Mother Nature! Don’t mess with our English Language, or our History, to Please the Woke Idiots, Wackos and Weirdo’s. We Must WAKE Up The Woke Fools!
It is Just A Matter of Time, Pushed to The Extremes? Breaking Point? Over the Edge? Danger, Danger… Desperate Madmen Do Desperate Things! Shame and Vanity, Greed and Corruption, Reputations, Power and Control; Are Getting Out of Control! On One Hand, The Raw Power of Nature is Staggering and Not Prejudice… On the Other Hands, The Stupid Secular Power that be, are Blinded by Greed? God Help Us!
Alas, uncertainty, in The Hands of The Secular Powers that Be, Is Frightening? Think About It! Will we be Ravaged, by Nature Naturally, as Climate Changes, Ignite Chaos? Or Perhaps, Savaged by, Stupid Human Beings, in the Name of Profit as Wars Explode? Beware of our Electric Grid! Paranoia? We Have to Face, the Fact that We Have Been Lied To, Throughout History, All Along! A Tangled Web of Deceit and Deception.
Time to Wake Up, Unite and Come Together!
Throughout History, Climate Change Is Still, A Natural Occurrence as Nature Adjusts Accordingly. And, as a result, Temperatures Fluctuate Throughout Mother Earth. Mankind Must Also Adjust Accordingly, and Modify, or Else? America is A Work in Progress! It Began as an Experiment. We Must Learn from our past Mistakes; History is our Teacher.
Unfortunately, America has been Build and Manipulated, by a Bunch of Good ol Boys, With Power and Money. Greed, Corruption and Bribes? They Control and Utilize, Sex-rings, Drugs, Bad Girls, Gambling, Promises of Grandeur, Lies, Black-mail, Murder and Cover-ups; From Within, Our Own System of Justice. They also Start Wars at Will, to Distract Current Affairs, and Take more Power and Control, via Propaganda and Fake News. It is Time to Investigate and Backtrack! We Must Start at The Top! No Body is Above the Law. Especially Not, God’s Laws!
God Is The Personification of Love… God’s Love is the Prerequisite for Humanity. Humanity is God’s Work, in Progress.
It Is Our Mission To Bring Peace ON Earth!
Conscientious Objection is Vital…
Become One With God

B4HEART — Humanity Envisioned And Realized Together! Make America Great Again!
MAGA, Vote Trump in 2024…
God Bless Ed Snowden — An American HERO!
You can buy a Signed Copy of my books in my Ko-fi Store below.
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This Includes My Book Entitled Taboo, Which will Help You Tame Your EGO!
Also, I will be making T-shirts for Trump 2024, If he Runs! They will Look like This: old one for 2020 :

“The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all “ — John F. Kennedy
Don’t Forget to Read my Third Book — Taboo, Logical Deception, which Reveals How Jesus Tamed My Ego!