Ironically, Both Life And Death Are a Mystery? Especially, Since Life is Complicated by Death? Suffice To Say, We Anticipate the Joy, of a New Birth And Fear the Anticipation, of Death; Specifically Our Own? Ultimately, It Sounds Like a Quagmire, in the Fog of Confusion. Circumstances Beyond Our Control? At Least For the Time Being!
Blessed Is He , Whom Tunes into the Infinite and, Marvels At the Awe and Wonder of Nature’s, Breath Taking Beauty! Alas, Upon Pondering, the Universe; the Truth, Perception, and Deception, All Linger — Somewhere Out There In Between the Stars, Planets, Sun and Moon; in Our Solar System, Computing with the Curiosity of My Soul. Perhaps it is Only the Lights and Shadows of Time and Space that Play Tricks on My Mind? It is Truly Mind-boggling! My Curiosity is Complicated by Doubt as Seeing is Overwhelming, Beyond our Comprehension? It is so Amazing and Yet, so Sad, to Be so Naive?
But, Ironically, Some-how; Everything Just Flows in the Glory of God’s Nature, Naturally. Enjoy! Be Grateful, Trust God, as the Universe, Trusts His Nature. God is the Alpha and the Omega! Glory Be, When We Humans, Trust in God’s Nature. For, God Is Not Complicated. Simply Put, God is LOVE!
Every Cause has an Effect. Intent and Belief are Beyond Imagination, as All Factors, are Calculated as Vibrations, into the Manifestation. Without Question, We Human Are Literally, Too Naive, to Comprehend? Thus, We Get What We Deserve! It Is Beyond Logic as Logic, is Over-Rated?
Organized Chaos is Diabolical to Humanity. Unfortunately, It is Getting Out of Control? Alas Be Aware, Armageddon- the Site or Time of a Final and Conclusive Battle Between the Forces of Good and Evil , Lurk — — Upon Us?
Selective Hearing and Selective Memories, are Both Dangerous. Truth / Enlightenment, and Peace of Mind Require, Sacrifice and Service To God! If You Don’t BELIEVE Me, SHAME on You; as the World is Filled With Pathetic Lost Souls?
“TRUTH is akin to COOL as both are REPULSIVE to the UN. But, when Ignorance is — Ignored; Stupidity is — Justified!-”
God Is Love, As His Divine Powers and Laws for Peace, Shall Prevail, With Out Any Doubt… Amen!
All of Us, Were Born With the Will To Live. The Will To Sacrifice Wisely, Is Precious. Never Give UP! Dream On! Life is PRECIOUS! Death Is Our Prerogative! Eventually, We Must All SURRENDER!
BELIEVE! JESUS Already Died, On The Cross, for All Of Our Sins! Let Go of Ego and Trust God. Unfortunately, Egos Become Manipulated and Overpowered by Greed? Greed Is Evil! Political Egos get Obsessed with Power and Control and Thus, Devour Peace and Harmony?
The Great Mystery, is Simple. God is Love and His LOVE, Is All That Matters. Why Then, are So Many Humans, Obsessed with Money? Easy Living is Great! But, Troubles, Pain and Sorrows, are Facts of Life!
Help Does Exist! Alas, “Ask — Receive, Seek, Find, Knock and Door Will Open”. But, You must Have Faith and, Trust in God! Talk to Him and Thank Him for All of His Blessings! Pray to God for Help. Cooperation and Communication with Others are also, Vital to Peace and Harmony. Sharing and Caring Will, Work Wonders! Just ‘Imagine’, If, John Lennon’s Song “Imagine” — - Became a Reality!
What If, Mankind as a Whole, United Together and, We Chose to Become One, With God and Manifested Good Deeds, As Miracles Through The Grace of God’s Love! Miracles Can and Do Happen. Miracles Happen Every Day! Sometimes Wishes Do Come True! Believe It Or Don’t, God Left Us With, A LEGACY of LOVE ! But, We Humans Are Too STUPID, TO Realize It?
Unfortunately, Spiritual Suicide Interferes, With The Grace of God’s Love, As An Act of God, Itself. Life Is A Test Of FAITH! Alas, Faith Is Divine! Hallelujah… God Welcomes All, Via Perpetual Love and Forgiveness. Believe! We Just Have To Believe In The Miracle of Baby Jesus and Express Gratitude, For His Sacrifice, On the CROSS of LOVE.
God Willing, Maybe, B4HEART — Humanity Envisioned And Realized Together; Will Manifest Into Reality Someday!
HARK… Praise Jesus!
“Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’” John 14:6
Humanity Is God’s, Legacy of Love! God Bless, The Great Awakening! Insidious Thinking Is Garbage! God’s Word is Infallible! Fear, Doubt, And Panic are Mere Obstacles? Systematically, The Core of Accumulation, is Vital…
It Defines Your Destiny, And Is Central To Your Existence, As It Manifests Accordingly, By Your Free Will…
Charity is Food For The Soul.
“TRUTH is akin to COOL as both are REPULSIVE to the UN. But, when Ignorance is — Ignored; Stupidity is — Justified!-” — Robert James Karpie
Faith Is Divine! But, Sometimes It Takes Courage, To Overcome Obstacles. In the Name of Jesus Christ, Carry On, And Pass It On… Amen!
Ignorance Is Evil. Trust, Respect, Forgiveness, Loyalty, And Courage are Obligations. They Are Gifts From God… We Are Obligated To God, Self and Each-Other in the Name of Humanity. Fortunately, Courage Maintains Hope, to Survive and, Thrive Past Evil.
Am I Worthy To Live?
Life is a Test of Faith, in the Fullness of Time. Blessed is He Whom, Seeks Truth. The Truth, Will, Set Us, FREE!
BELIEVE! The Insanity of Stupidity is Alarming? The Faith To Carry On, Is Divine! Trust God! God Is Invincible Love
Soul Searching?
“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” — Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Wake Up!
How many of us die Spiritually as we Live in Denial, which neglects, avoids or deprives Humanity?
Be Prepared
“This world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those that feel.” — Horace Walpole
Life Entails Endless Possibilities / Probabilities…
Unfortunately, Humans Tend To Fear The Unknown? Curiosity is the Desire to Learn. Jump In and Get Your Feet Wet: Enjoy The Ride! Attitude, Attention And Awareness, Are Vital…
Faith and Trust Are Divine Gifts! God Is The Alpha And The Omega. Therefore, We Are All Connected To God. Nature Is The Perfect Example. Life Has Continued, On and On, And Still, Until Mankind; Messed With Perfection? But, ‘The Circle of Life‘, Endures as It Has, for Millions of Years.… Nature Adjusts, Per Natural Laws, as Change Is Inevitable? Unfortunately, Extinction is Part of the Process?
Anticipation? Don’t Get Paranoid… Expectations? Death Is Your Divine Guarantee…
The Essence of Faith is that God will Keep his Promise… Eternal Life!
Crossroads and Road-Blocks?
PURPOSE — Trust and Faith In God As Good Actions! It is All About, Acts of Love, Care, Concern, And Kindness…
Blessed is He, Whom Projects Empathy! Self-Respect Is Vital, To Your Cause; For Truth! We Actually Become-That-With-Which / What-Ever, We Think and Truly Believe In, In Order To Achieve; as We Commit To Such Actions, As Acts of Good Faith; By The Grace of God.
EFFORT Is Mandatory!
Sincerity Is Vital…
INTENT is Magical and Yet, It Can Be Dangerous; After the Fact. Think Before You Act! Actions Speak Louder Than Words. We Are Responsible For All of Our Actions and Inactions. Sometimes, Sorry, Is Usually Too Late?
Alas, To Do or Not To Do? “To Be or Not To Be?” Choices and Excuses Are Facts of Life? Choose Wisely! Believe In Thy… God! Believe In Your-Self! If You Believe, You Will Achieve! But, Effort Is Mandatory…
Consequences Maintain Karma. Unfortunately, Temptation Lurks Every-Where? Don’t Compromise With Evil, It Will Surely; Dismay and Disrupt Accordingly. Eventually, It Reverberates As Chaos! Compelling Drama? Carelessness, Is Dangerous!
Chaos Is A Frightening Fact of Life? Don’t FEED Your EGO! GREED Is Poison. Don’t Destabilize Yourself? Accumulated Carelessness, Leads to Unintended Consequences. Don’t Experience An Unsettling Living Hell. Emotions Are Part of The Process. Doubt And Panic, Are Signs of A Lack Of Faith? Don’t Freak Out?
Trust The Word Of God! Peace of Mind Is Precious! Praise God! Gratitude Is Enlightening. Become One With God. Perpetual Love is Divine! Spiritual Awareness is a Blessing.
But, Be-A-Ware of Spiritual Suicide! Don’t Co-Mingle With Evil. Karma Ain’t Prejudice!
God Bless The Gift of Giving…
Faith is Divine, As Jesus Overcame; The Irrational Fear of Death!
Faith is A Miracle!
It Renders The Unintelligible, Comprehensible.
Jesus is Our Hope and Savior…
Jesus Loves You
JESUS Died, For Us; On The Cross of LOVE!
Inspiration Is A God Send!
It is A marvel, A Divine Awakening
Get Inspired Now!
The GREAT Awakening?
“Alas, Every Cause Has An Effect.”
“Actions Speak Louder Than Words.”
“Find A Need and Fill It”
“Fill A Void”
Jesus Filled The Ultimate Void, When He Sacrificed His Life, While Suffering, Before He Died On The Cross; For All of Us Human Beings!
Jesus is Our Hope and Savior…
Jesus Loves You
God Is Invincible Love
Attainability… Eternal Life!
Humanity Is God’s, Legacy of Love!
Alas, “If we love one another God dwelleth in us, and His love is perfected in us.”
Pursue The Will To Live Graciously, and The Courage, To Die with Dignity and Honor. Forgive Others and Forgive Yourself!
B4HEART — Humanity Envisioned And Realized Together!
Trust and Respect God’s Law of Love.
Trust In Jesus Christ, The Son of God.
We Are All, Spiritual Souls, Searching In this Material World.
We Are Blessed with Reason and Free Will.
INTENT Is Our Choice.
Use It Wisely!
Intent Manifests, According to Circumstances.
Sometimes Circumstances Are, Beyond Our Control?
Let Go of Your Ego, Trust in God, and Let God Work His Magic…
Miracles Happen Everyday!
We Have The Options To Be, little gods Or little devils?
Unfortunately, Temptation Leads Us, Into A Little Taste of Hell?
Evil Is Taboo.
Resists Evil Temptation.
Manifest Some Form of Hope, For Others,
Care, Concern and Generosity, Can Make a Difference.
The Gift of Giving Is An Act of Charity
God Sent Jesus To Us
Jesus Gave His Life For All Of Us!
Just Imagine For A Minute, If You Will
Don’t Freak Out…
Jesus Christ Was Condemned To Death. He Sacrificed His Life Willingly, For Mankind, In the Name of God Almighty. He Suffered, While Carrying His Cross, As He was Mocked on The Way, To Where He Was Crucified…
Thank You Jesus For All of Your Loving Actions:
Rejoice in God’s Grace as The Sacred Heart of Jesus
Jesus is Our Hope and Savior As A Blessing From God
Jesus Sacrificed, His Life As, An Act Of LOVE! Thereby, He Paved The Way, “As A Promise Of Eternal Life For All Those Who BELIEVE!”
God Left Us With, A LEGACY of LOVE
He Sent Jesus, As A ‘GIFT’, To Set An Example!
God Bless ‘The Gift’ of Giving…
Faith is Divine, As Jesus Overcame; The Irrational Fear of Death!
Let Go, Let God!
HUMANITY Is A Divine Ability!
But, God Allows / Lets Us, By Grand Design to Fulfill His Will — B4HEART
Alas, Humanity is Our Legacy of LOVE.
Pass It On.
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