Karma — Divine Intervention
Karma Is The Great Equalizer!
It Is The Official Interface of Eternity…
You Earned It, Destiny?
And, It is Exclusively Yours!
No Ifs, Ands or Buts
It Is What It Is.
Perplexing? Unsettling? Shocking?
‘the law of cause and effect — every action brings about a corresponding reaction.’ Misery Is Self-Inflicted…
Welcome To Your Reality!
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly…
No Excuses!
Your Soul is Naked
It is Bare
No Secrets
Embrace What Was, Destined To Be?
Divine Intervention is On Guard…
The Spirit of Love, Connects, All of Us , Together!
Consciousness Is Eternal…
Think Before You Act!
Ethical Consequences, Are Not Prejudice.
B4HEART — Humanity Envisioned And Realized Together…

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