“Love isn’t something you find. Love is something that finds you.” — Loretta Young
God is Not Logical?
God Is Love And, The Power of His LOVE Is So GREAT, That It Is Inconceivable to Mankind! Don’t Cancel Your Eternal Life by, the Power of Ignorance. Believe! Faith is Divine…
God is the Resolve as, Love is the Solution, a Humane Resolution; to Manifest Humanity… Unfortunately, Doubt, Denial and Delusion, are Confusingly Dangerous Addictions?
God Is The Personification of Love.
You Have Direct Access to God, at All Times!
God is Beyond Logic as Logical Deception is Evil.
God is Not Man Made.
God is Waiting For You!
We are but Figments, of His Imagination!
The Glory of God
We are All Born With A Divine Inter-Connectedness, To God! We Are All Children of God! Perhaps it is Hard for You, to Imagine? But Deep Down, in Heart of My Soul; I know God said — ‘Let There Be Love!’
The Beauty of Love is Felt In Your Heart and when, Manifested as Truth; Your Entire Mind, Body and Soul, Shine from Within, Without Doubt. Shine On, In The Glory of God’s Love
God’s Love is the Prerequisite for Humanity. Humanity is God’s Work, in Progress. Mankind is The Living Bible, unfolding in time. We Can be Living gods or Living devils. God Gave us Free Will! The Choice To Choose, Good or Bad? Choose Wisely!
The Glory of God’s Love, Is The Defining Moment… It is When; We Realize and Comprehend: ANTICIPATION… The Glory of God…
“Believe In Thee”…
Listen Below:
Rough Demo that was created, on one take.
The singer is my Friend Loraine O’Donnell www.facebook.com/loraine.odonnell/
I wrote the Lyrics for ‘Believe in Thee’, and Copy-Righted it with US Copyright Office about 30 years ago. I Paid Dwane Hall at Session Studio in Buffalo, New York to Provide the Music. Total of $50.00 as I was Partner of his Record Label. That was in about 2017.
The Truth Shall, Set Us Free!
Compulsive Ignorance, A Lack of Faith?
The Good News is Jesus Christ, and Faith in God’s Love is Unstoppable!
Humanity Will Succeed The Test of Time!
Spread the Word. B4HEART… Humanity Envisioned And Realized Together! Amen…
“TRUTH is akin to COOL as both are REPULSIVE to the UN. But, when Ignorance is — Ignored; Stupidity is — Justified!-” — Robert James Karpie
The Prince Of Peace
If You Don’t Love God; then You Hate Yourself; by Default. Alas, the ‘Law of Polarity’, the principle that everything has two “poles”: good and evil, love and hate, attraction and disconnection. Everything is dual.” “The idea of everything containing its opposite is represented by the yin-yang symbol in which the whole is divided into two parts, and within each part is a mirror of the opposite…”
Don’t Betray God!
Don’t Betray Humanity!
Don’t Betray Yourself!
Tame and Contain Your Ego!
Contemplate and B4HEART
“I Think Therefore I Am” -Descartes:
“… behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” -Jesus
“ Man is free at the moment he wishes to be. — Voltaire”
A Thirst For Truth?
A Spiritual Awakening…
“Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life” (Jude 1:21).
God Is The Alpha and Omega
We Must Open Up Our, Hearts and Minds.
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” — Matthew 7:7–8 New International Version
Faith is Divine!
Trust is Sacred…
Trust in God…
God’s Laws Are Non-Negotiable
Evil Is Evil
Do Not Reject Gods Word?
God is the Source of Power, Hope, Mercy, and Forgiveness…
God Is Pure LOVE…
All Intent of Free Will, is Subject to Accountability.
Persistence Is Encouraging…
Jesus is God’s Gift of Salvation, Peace and Joy
God’s Grace is Joyful Energy as Jesus is Divine Influence!
God’s Love is Always Faithful…
We Are Blessed with His Faithfulness…
God is the Moment, Forever Eternal, and Always…
Have Faith! Believe and Achieve…
A Forgiving God
Jesus is Our Hope and Savior…

The Holy Trinity
The Trinity: “Try to Understand It and You’ll Lose Your Mind. Try to Deny It and You’ll LOSE YOUR SOUL!” –mercifully anonymous but sadly widespread. — Fred Sanders
Understanding the Trinity: Definitions & History.
“Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled”-John14:1
Focus, Observe and Contemplate…
Attitude, Attention and Awareness are Paramount to Spiritual Evolution. Believe! Faith is Divine! Intent is Vital…
“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you…” Matthew 7;7–8
Everything is Interconnected!
Every Action Has A Reaction.
The Universal Laws?
Hope Does Spring Eternal, as God is Eternal and Has the Power to Work Through All of Us, Including Nature.
Don’t Mess With Almighty God
God Left Us With, A LEGACY of LOVE
HUMANITY is A Divine Ability!
Humanity is Our Legacy of LOVE.
God Allows / Lets Us, By Grand Design:
to Fulfill His Will — B4HEART
We Have Jesus Power!
Pass It On.
We Must Fulfill God’s Vision, Here on Earth!
“Whether small or great, and no matter what the stage or grade of life, the Call rings up the curtain, always on a mystery of transfiguration, a rite, or moment, of spiritual passage, which, when complete; amounts to a dying and a birth. The familiar, life horizon has been outgrown, the old concepts, ideals, and emotional patterns no longer fit, the time for passing of a threshold is at hand.” — Joseph Campbell, ‘The Hero With a Thousand Faces’
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This Includes My Book Entitled Taboo, Which will Help You Tame Your EGO!