Truth is akin to Cool as Both are Repulsive to the Un. But, when Ignorance is Ignored; Stupidity is Justified...
Unfortunately, our government has been Infiltrated by an Anti-American Substance of Ignorant 'Useful Idiots', that are here to— Take America Down. Their Agenda is 'The New World Order'. Social Values and Social Injustices are to be Dictated and Enforced via the United Nations. Free Speech, Logic, Reason, Free Will and The Right to Keep and Bear Arms are Taboo. Everybody will pay a Carbon-tax to the UN. Mother Earth will be Destroyed Soon, if We Do Not Comply.
Systematically, they have Taken Control as they Established our 'Fake News Media', Enlisted Hollywood Entertainment and the Music Industry as well as our Schools and College Universities. Thus, our Sacred Institutions are Now Infected. The Social Influence is overwhelming. It is A 'Culture Shock'. Young American Minds are Manipulated Daily as they are Deceived and Misguided In the Name of Socialism. The Government will control the Economy. The United Nations will Control the Governments.
Alas, they strive to DIVIDE--- 'We the People' by Promoting Free Health Care, Free College, Free Income, Everything will be FREE as long as you do what you are told to do. Vote for Socialism! It Sounds Great but, 'FREEDOM is Not Free'. Socialism SUCKS... Socialism is like a Cancer which Multiplies, Invades and Destroys--- Healthy Societies as the Will of its People Suffer until they Wake Up and Fight Back. Wake Up America!
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.” Ronald Reagan
Sweatshirt --- 'STOP Socialism, Trump 2020...'
Wow These Kids Get IT:
Ladies' Scoopneck T-Shirt Socialism SUCKS
Welcome to Our Out-Reach Program for Parents, Teachers, Teenagers, Tweens, Children and the Any-Bodies that Care Enough; to Engage in Dialogue, as well as Critical Thinking. Fundamentally, We are a Voice for Concern, where We can Exchange Ideas about the Problems that Plague Our World Today. Ironically,TRUTH is Akin to COOL as Both are Repulsive to the UN. But, when Ignorance is—Ignored; Stupidity is— Justified!
“… we put material things above People, vengeance before Love and greed before God?” — Le Ly Hayslip; ‘When Heaven and Earth Change Places‘
Alas, Collaboration, Cooperation, Coordination, Trust, Respect, Diversity, and Inclusion are the Keys— To Ensure Efficiency, Peace, Harmony and Prosperity — Co-Existence; Amongst Our Diverse Cultures, Customs and Beliefs. IN Essence, Everything Is Inter-Connected; One- Big-CAUSE-EFFECT RELATIONSHIP. INTER-DEPENDENCE, A FAMILY OF EARTHLINGS.
Thus, We Aim to be an INSPIRATION of HOPE in the Name of HUMANITY! Ironically, the Process is an on-going work-in-progress. Our Goal is to ENLIGHTEN HEARTS and MINDS in Pursuit of WORLD PEACE.
Our Mission is to Dynamically WAKE— People UP via INSIGHT as a SPIRITUAL REVOLUTION; and Inspire MANKIND to FOCUS and Participate for the Betterment and Benefit of ALL, as PEACE AND MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING are VITAL to this CAUSE.
Conclusively, this Website is a Platform. A RESOURCE for INTENT— DEDICATED to Bringing About Conscious Awareness as Compassionate Change; HOPE, GOODWILL and FULFILLMENT— WORLDWIDE, Here on MOTHER EARTH (GAIA), via Oouey & Olga Gooey as B4HEART. We Must Tune-In, Engage, Apply, Excel and Transcend--- Together...
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Victims of Socialism in Venezuela Warn U.S.: 'Don't Fall for It,' 'People are Eating from Trash Bags'
Witness Voices of FREEDOM
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